English reading: Where is the reading material for my English class?

Students can check books out of the school library, purchase a copy for themselves or use the links provided below.

A Raisin in the Sun

A Separate Peace 

American Born Chinese

anyone live in a pretty how town 


Dante's Inferno

Death of a Salesman 

Fast Food Nation

Gentleman of Rio en Medio 

Hills Like White Elephants 


La Puerta 

Life of Pi 

Ode to Enchanted Light 

Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare

The Crucible 

The Great Gatsby

The Man to Send Rainclouds 

The Tell Tale Heart 

The Triple Fool 

The Way to Rainy Mountain 

Top of the Food Chain 

When Great Dogs Fight 

The Black Cat:  https://poestories.com/read/blackcat



















The Way to Rainy Mountain 

Life of Pi