What is the difference between an A-G class and non A-G class?

A-G classes refer to the University of California's 7 entrance requirements.  Basically they are "college prep" courses.  Non A-G classes are those that are required by CUSD in order to receive a diploma, but do fulfill college entrance requirements.  

Typically the requirements for A-G classes are more rigorous and you will have more time to complete the class during the school year.  Students enrolled in A-G classes have 14 weeks to complete the class, those enrolled in non A-G classes have 9 weeks to complete a class during the school year.

Health is a NON A-G classes.

If you are unsure what you are enrolled in, speak with your Counselor immediately. Your counselor is the person who determines what class you will enroll in. Speak with your counselor asap; work does not transfer from one class to the other and if you change courses, you will need to begin again in the new course.