- Apex Password: I forgot my Apex password. How do I reset it?
- Apex says activity is denied and is proctored. What does this mean?
- I am enrolled in a DAY class, what will my AI grade be?
- Can I work on Apex at home?
- Final Grade: I've finished an Apex class. When and where can I see my final grade?
- Which activities do I need to do?
- What do I do if I have an exam due on a day I don't have class?
- Can I take a test at home?
- How many times can I take a quiz/test? What are Re-Take Passes?
- Can I retake a quiz/test that I've already completed to try and get a higher score?
- What if I got a zero because I missed the due date, what can I do?
- There are questions on the quiz that I did not see in the reading.
Grade Related
- I don’t understand why I did so badly on my homework/quiz/test. What should I do?
- Are study guides required or worth points?
- How do I see my grades and assignments?
- Who grades the written work and tests for A-G classes?
- What is my current grade?
- Is there any Extra Credit?
- How do I enter Spanish Accents on my Spanish Homework?
- Should I print out my homework and bring it in?
- Can I use AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools while completing my homework?
- How do I know if my teacher graded my homework?
- English reading: Where is the reading material for my English class?
- Can I get help from friends, family, or personal tutors?
For Parents...
- My child is in Biology or Chemistry, how/when/where do they do the MANDATORY labs?
- My child missed some due dates and now has zeros...
- My child is remediating a low grade, what happens on the permanent transcript to my child's grade?
- How can I help my child be successful in the online class?
- What if my child wants to drop the class?
- How long does my child have to complete the class?